Either of you have pics of the pictures of the shifter, i dont buy without at least seeing a pic.
thats the dumbest thing ive heard. it not like a picture is going to justify condition.
Luckily no one cares of your opinion, you wanna buy something off of the internet without even seeing it then go right ahead dude, by all means. I am all set for a shifter, found one that someone HAD A PICTURE OF. And i bought it. Thanks for the replies...except the douchebags that post to criticize.
Either of you have pics of the pictures of the shifter, i dont buy without at least seeing a pic.
thats the dumbest thing ive heard. it not like a picture is going to justify condition.
Luckily no one cares of your opinion, you wanna buy something off of the internet without even seeing it then go right ahead dude, by all means. I am all set for a shifter, found one that someone HAD A PICTURE OF. And i bought it. Thanks for the replies...except the douchebags that post to criticize.