well ever since i got my car back from the shop that screwed me i ben noticing weird gaps in my body panels, i know they jacked it up from the pinch weild under the 5.0 symbol on the passanger side cuz its all bent in now and the fenders coming out a little. i know its unlikly that twisted my frame but before i do a engine swap i wana make sure. my car was painted before im thinken they coulda jus not lined everything up rite. ,my passanger side door seems like its to small some how or is sagen and doesnt shut all the way, water is geteing inside where the door well is now. my car is basicaly rust free, under the carpets look brand new its not even dirty, everything is solid. well my pasanger side door is my biggest problem i can fit my finger in between the door and the body, my drivers side door doesnt sit like that it almost seems like its not shut all the way. can not really tell but its sticking out slightly now im guesing it got pushed up when they jacked it up from there where my trunk meets the body one side sits closer than other i am guessing and hoping they jus didnt do a good jog lining shit up when it got painted. here is a pic of my hole car is there anything i can look for to make sure no twistings goin on,i may jus be parionoid but i cant afford to waste money again
i am asking for help not worthles answers isnt that what this forums for.seems like everything i post u have to make a smart ass comment about. take your 100 dollars and stuff it up your ass, thanks
-- Edited by jgt8229 on Wednesday 8th of April 2009 08:28:38 PM
FUCK YOU i was making a joke u fucking retarded fuck no need to be a cunt the car looks really good btw to bad a asshole owns it
hay man you tell me my frames twisted and offfer me 100 bucks for me car and im a cunt and a asshole , speek for your self i got nuthing against u man i just am not in the mood for that right now. i haven ben having alot of trouble that shouldnt have happen with my car , and i am considering what i should do right now, i have the money for a engine and i am bebating weather to swap one in or buy a new car, the door concerns me alot cuz i am loooking at other pitchures and the gap doesnt look that big in any of them. i am looking for serouis answers and sudjestions because i want to decide what i should do in the next couple days. sorry about my spelling, thanks
-- Edited by jgt8229 on Wednesday 8th of April 2009 08:54:37 PM
bend the pinch weld back with vise grips. jacking the car up in the wrong place will crack a windshield before bending the whole car. if it were a vert id be more concerned. get rid of the tail pipes. paint your trim, put in a new motor, then download firefox so you have spell check.
ok thanks, so do u think the doors hindge just mite have worn out, all the old pitchures i look at the gap is not like that on the door it fits tite. water is getting inside the door well or where the door sits now, and now paint is starting to peal. how would i go about getting it to shut right. btw i have firefox never new it had spell check must have gave up on me
no when i bought it the bumper was like that some chips have came off here and there since then, but i never hit anything . and mike pipes are getting cutt off into dumps as soon as it gets goin again, lol i ben meaning to do that. u shoulda seen the tailights its came with
car looks nice i dont know why the body shop didnt make you aware fo everything
i never took it to a body shop, it was painted by las owner, but gaps wernt there like that tul i took it to the shop to get the head gasket done and i got it back everything was a mess, they had to tow it back..... i didnt pay them anything but i got a major headache and no car for 4 mounths because of it. i dont understand how they coulda done that but all the pitchures i look at and from what i rember (which is alot about the body used to wash it 3+ times a week) telling me they did something to the body. i know for a fact water never got inside the door well like it is now. i duno it jus scares me
what kinda shop couldnt handle headgaskets in a mustang. should be ashamed of themselves
yea i know , i would done it if it wasnt so cold and snowing, now im out like 600 buck my car got scratched the shit outa and my door and panel doesnt line up now. and i stil have no car, they couldnt even time it. i got it timed it ran had massaive vacume leaks, and vauvle train noise, i found washers or something just sitting in my heads to. sad thing is they claim to do engine swaps. not to menchtion i cant drain my oil anymore idk what they did to my drain plug it jus spins .
What was the shop you brought it to? So anyone else on here has a heads up to stay away.
something auto i forget the exact name, but its on the street that the aston martin dealer ship is on in waltham ma, i wouldnt sudjust going to anyshops on that street they seem to all be conected. the sad part is i know the people that own it and this stil happened,they dont feel they owe me anything because they tried there best and didnt charge me for scrreweing up my car . im out 100s and i lost my job because of this. they had my car for a mounth, i knew i shoulda towed it back but i ended up going to the hospital for a couuple weeks. basicaly screwed up my life, thats why im so anxouis about this, cant afford to put money into a bad body or loose anything at all for no resion. ive ben thinken bout jus saying screw the car and getting a mark 8 tul i get things back on track but it would be a damn shame the body was so clean
I know it's easier said-than-done but in MY opinion I'd sue that shop for the money you have to pay to fix it and for the lost wages from getting fired from your job. Just my 2c
i know, the problem the cost of a lawyer alone would proly be more than what im getting, trust me i thought about it. its probably to late anyways. i was really upset about it, but i gues its no use, jus gota move on. i think i found the problem with my doors is bad hindges, there is play if u grab them u can move them up and down. they must off bent leaning on that shit, my cars at a resto shop right now getting the frame checked just in case. car was so solid i dout it woulda bent to easly.. . but i really miss cruisen in my car,.
Looks to me like the car was driven hard and drag raced without subframe connectors. If it doesn't have a set on it you might want to put it on a frame machine. Make sure it is still straight then have a set put on. Weld-on ones the bolt-on one are junk.
When you drag race a subframe car with out subframe connectors the hard launchs over time cause the frame to twist slightly and makes the door and hatch gaps not to line up.