I know where I can get what appears to be a blown Paxton SN-60 supercharger for a 5.0. The impeller star looking piece has a chip or 2 out of it and I think it needs some work internally, so probably looking at a full rebuild. I can get it for like $150...This thing is a small one I guess, good for like 5-6 psi...Rebuild kit is about $500 plus a couple hundred more for some other pieces I need, not to mention labor so I'm thinking it would be like $1500 give or take to rebuild this...Question is, is it worth it?
well youve got the internals to easliy handle that power...but to spend $1500 on an old thing like that...id say save your money and buy somethin new...like paxton or powerdyne if you wanna keep it mild for now
Yeah I guess...But the the way I see it is that I'd have a just about brand new supercharger for $1500 yah know? Besides the fact thats its an older model...What does everyone else think?
In my opinion It's not worth it to restore some old out of date blower that is only capable of 6 psi and maybe 75 horse . Either buy a nitrous kit or save your hard earned money for a better blower ...like an s- trim or p1sc or a novi . Blower technoligy has come along way and are far more dependable than the older models .
That blower is like an A trim, useless. Its not even worth $1500 if it didn't need a rebuild. If you want a blower you can buy an S trim for around $2500 used or you could buy brand new for 3500-4500 depending on what you want.