ok so i put my edelbrock intake on last night and the car was running today come to find ou the plenham has a vacume leak......i didnt bolt it form inside so i think thats an easy fix. well my lower is leaking too i used oem gaskets so should i get the nice thick one edlelbrok makes for that intake? i also have water coming out my intake. i hope this is my intake gasket becuase it didnt do this before i pulled it. has anyone elce had a problem similar to this with these aftermarket intakes... anything would help i work in a garage bvut i wont sleep right until some helps clear my head
i would put an aftermarket gasket. thats me though. i know this may sound dumb since you work in a garage, but hey weird shit can happen. torque to specs and in order? just figured i would mention, i've done dumb shit like that late at night :)
i would put an aftermarket gasket. thats me though. i know this may sound dumb since you work in a garage, but hey weird shit can happen. torque to specs and in order? just figured i would mention, i've done dumb shit like that late at night :)
hope you find out whats up. good luck
yes it's very important you torque a 302 correctly
im pretty sure i got the sequence right.. i think i got it off alldat anyone wanna send some info on the oreder though. also on edlebrok performer how do you get to that bolt inside of th intake i can reach it with any tool.
no problem man. i have a couple accounts i can get on. fords tech site, mitchell and alldata as well. so if anyone needs anything, let me know. i can usually find what you need.