haha i like how at the end of the story someone says that the pot was for personal use ...ya personal use as in to SELL it ...no one has a pound sitting around just to smoke it ....i love how everytime a young kid gets in trouble with the law and has court everyone who is family defends him up and down about how they are so nice ....please people wake up when your sleeping little Johnny is out slanging drugs and carrying around guns ...
Little Johnny is a good boy. Hey was just trying out a new hack saw on the shotgun he found on the playground. He also found a lot of illegal drugs and brought them home so no other kids would find them. A slap on the wrist is all he'll get
I cannot understand the younger generation's infatuation with the gangsta mentality. When are they going to wake up and realize that killing people, dealing drugs and basically being an asshole is NOT good? Maybe some jail time with BUBBA will scare him straight.
I cannot understand the younger generation's infatuation with the gangsta mentality. When are they going to wake up and realize that killing people, dealing drugs and basically being an asshole is NOT good? Maybe some jail time with BUBBA will scare him straight.