wats up guys im going to be puttin my car together soon doing a single turbo setup. just waitin for intercooler bov and 42lbs injectors then i can start puttin it together. once its all done im hoppin for high 10's with stcok motor. i got a nitrous kit too im thinkin about throwin in to so i can get into the tens. got the vortech fuel pump in today so i only need a couple more parts. going to run the stock motor and see how far it will go with a t-5 behind it for now. ill update you guys onc ei start to put it together and throw up some pics too. i got some pics finally some of the parts are turbonetics 62-1 turbo 3 inch hot and cold piping stainless headers 31x12x4 intercooler 42lb injectors pro m flow tube vortech t rex in line fuel pump tial waste gate and bov and a 75mm throttlebody got to put the mls headgaskets in and head studs then i can start puttin it together ill keep you guys posted hopin to have in done end of august. should be a pretty fun car Update for everyone got most of it back together and mocked some of the turbo kit up i installed the long tubes so i can drive it to my uncles metal fab shop to mount the intercooler here are some pics https://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh247/tommythrasher32/PO20080826_0159.jpg
-- Edited by 93fox at 22:36, 2008-08-26
-- Edited by 93fox at 20:30, 2008-09-21
-- Edited by 93fox on Sunday 24th of January 2010 04:05:01 PM
-- Edited by 93fox on Thursday 28th of January 2010 08:41:58 PM
-- Edited by 93fox on Sunday 7th of February 2010 08:35:31 PM
-- Edited by 93fox on Saturday 13th of February 2010 08:50:31 PM
Yo man what single turbo are you going to run? By your avatar pic from HP it looks like youre planning on using their kit. Let me know what your plan is. If you havent already ordered from them I highly suggest you don't, and if you have, I suggest you return it as soon as possible.
update i got my intercooler and piping today its 4" thick which should be plenty just need to order cometic head gasket and some arp head studs so i can run the 15psi i want to run in it also waitin on my pro tube mass air and tial 50mm bov ill get pics once i can use my g/fs camera
short blocks are cheap next step when i have alot of money is a 408 with afr 205 heads and a bigger turbo my goal is high tens with stock motor should pul it off
ya once its together im gunna bring it to dez and have him tune it for me hopefully get it to the track by the end of the season. im bringin my car to my unlces cuztom fabrication shop to do through floor sub frame conectors and reinforce the torque boxes and wat not.
t04e garret unit its a 57mm with p trim turbine housing and i beilve the a/r size is .60
Sound's like a good project, but I'm concerned that the turbo may be a bit too small. If you have any more details on the turbo send em my way and I'll take a closer look at em.
another update just purchased a 62-1 turbonetics turbo the other one i have is too small for the power im lookin to get ill get some pics up once i stop being lazy
thanks man you gotta start somewhere i read up on alot of it and im pretty sure ill be seeing 500-515ish rwhp without a rod hanging out the side of the block. but if that happens ill get a boss block.
a little update for everyone, took the motor down to the block today and installed arp head studs and fel pro mls head gaskets everything went pretty smooth just gotta button it up tomorrow. started at 12 this after noon in my drive way and a couple trips to my buddys house to get some tools. ill try to get some pics up within the next couple days. hopin to have it done in the next 3 weeks.
Car will be sick Tom !! Nitrous whore had a turbo car he built . Ask him about how far a t-5 will go .... I went for a ride in it and all he did was shift into 3rd and give it a little gas and BOOM !! That was with a 93 cobra tranny too . Might want to start budgeting for a tremec or beefed up auto . The auto would work better with the turbo . It will help load it on launch and keeps a load on the turbo when shifting for better performance and acceleration . Something to consider ..
ya still pluggin away at it sucks not havin all the shit to do it but ill get there def gunna do a tko in the future just want to get it put together i need to do some grindin on the headers the hit the head studs now and shit but im hoppin to have it done middle of september
update bent up some mounting brackets on my uncles press brake and got it mounted now i just gotta retourque the heads down and take the long tuebs off and start puttin the turbokit on hoping to start tomorrow but ill see wat happens ill get some pics up in the next couple days
heres a little update for anyone interested in my build. got mostly everything all set i started it up for the first time today just to make sure it still started idle was awful do to the fact the tps wasnt hooked up but o well it fired now its time to button everything thing up. i had a issue with were the wastegate tied into the down pipe so i cut it off and im just gunna patch it tomorrow at my unlces shop then i can heat wrap it and it will be good to go. got the two fuel pumps in yesterday with help help of my buddy sean. only odds and ends i got to finish up are gettin some heat shield stuff and and wrap the clutch cable, cable to starter, oil line ,and oil return line from turbo. i got the msd btm box all wired up not pretty looking but i want to clean up the rats nest this winter. just to let everyone know if you read up on things enough you can do anything. only mod ive done on mustangs before i did the headgaskets and turbo kit was and intake manifold and exhaust headers back so im pretty stoked on how well everything has came out ill get some pics up with in the week.
heres a update on stang. got some picstures of the engine bay in progress.i took the motor and tranny out. took the whole wiring harness out gunna hide it on the inside of the car. this year it will have a 347 with afr185 heads and the 62-1 turbo should make around 550rwhp if the fuel system keeps up with it. let me know what you think should be done by april. i want to put a 8pt cage in it too depending on the funds
Looks good, are you going to get a chip burnt? What air fuel ratio monitor are you using. I just smoked a lc1 innovate and am looking for feedback on different on other meters.
Are you going to get the hotside hi temp coated? Its worth it for the few hundred it will cost you. Thats a nice interior too. I like the seats. Not sure on that shifter though.
got a update for everyone. i picked up a 347 short block today with a innovative west balancer and another billet steel flywheel. shouldnt have a prob gettin into the tens now
it has forged pistons that about all i know. im going to take a couple caps off to make sure the lower end bearings are good and go from there. i know it a ford racing 347 shortblock. i got the shortblock, balancer and flywheel for 8 bills
got some more pictures for everyone. finally got my chromoly radiator support and got my intercooler tabs for the brackets done. the radiator support is 1 5/8 chromoly and i welded pieces of 9/16 round stock that are drilled and tapped 3/8 for the lower intercooler brackets. got a couple pics of some practice welds of the chromoly to mild steel came out pretty good. the shortblock in the pic is a 347 cast crank i beam rods with arp hardware and i think keith black pistons. still trying to find out what kind of pistons they are. the afr 185's are a 72cc head so i just got to make sure what cc the pistons are so i can figure out the compression. here are some pics. i should have the radiator support installed next weekend.
i finally got some time to put the chromoly radiator support in today. came out pretty good for a plumber haha. i plated the underside of the frame with some 3/16 plate.thats also what i made the gussets out of too. only took a couple hours and it is 20x more ridged then the stock tinfoil radiator support for sure. i also got some pics of my rear end.
can you tell what cylinder the head gasket blew? stock one made out of tin foil
Tommy T! this thing will be an animal! i gotta see it.
89 Notch-8pt cage, through the floor connectors, custom tubular front end, coilovers, flat trunk with alum. cell..lots left to do
91 Gt- 5.0, 5spd, motorsport headers, offroad h-pipe, w.e. glass packs the last yahoo put on it!, bbk cai, 3.73 auburn locker