I was wondering if there is anyone on the site that has worked on Jet Skis. My mom has an 03 Kawasaki and the short version of the story is she bought it used and then the water intake got clogged with sand and the motor overheated. Then she had these meatballs put in a new motor SVT1100cc. They did many things wrong, didnt use gaskets on the carb., just found out today when I went to put it in the water that the started wasn't even bolted down therefor it poped out and i can hold it in my hand and now the starter is fried because it got wet. Anyways my mom nor I have the money to go trust another place to rebuild this or even just pull the motor and throw a new started in and inspect everything while its apart. Anyone willing to give me a hand pulling the motor apart and fixing this the right way? Any help would be greatly appreciated I could ven throw you some money if need be I just need some helpand someone with knowledge on these where my knowledge lacks. Thanks guys. Let me know.